Top 10 Most Powerful Characters of Marvel Comics

The Marvel Universe is full of incredibly powerful characters. A few of them however have powers beyond imagination. Here is our list of the most powerful characters in the entire Marvel comic book universe.

10) Galactus

Galactus Marvel, Most powerful marvel
Sole survivor of the Universe existing before the Big Bang. Galactus is one perhaps the most feared being in the cosmos. He is known by many names such as The  Devourer of WorldsThe LifebringerThe Seeder of Worlds,etc. Galactus feeds upon entire planets and has unlimited cosmic power and knowledge. He is perceived by different species as one of their own species of whoever is looking at him. For example, a human would see him in human form.

9) Magus

Magus marvel,Most powerful marvel

His son Adam Warlock also goes by this name, but here we are talking about the original Magus. He is basically an Immortal Shape-Shifter, but it doesn't mean that he is just some random shape-shifting Guy, he can become virtually any substance, any size, shape and colour. His powers also consists of teleportation, but his powers tend to fluctuate based on the form he takes. He is so powerful that one he even split a star in two.

8) Mikaboshi

Mikaboshi marvel, Most powerful marvel

Amatsu Mikaboshi was worshiped as the Japanese God of evil, long before being introduced in Marvel Comics. He has even given damage to Olympian Gods like Zeus and Ares. His powers include immortality, reality manipulation, stealth, strength, healing, endurance, shape-shifting, and much more.

7) Cyttorak

Cyttorak marvel, Most powerful marvel

Cyttorak is a powerful deity and possibly the strongest magical being in all of the Marvel universe. He is the source of power for the elite magicians of the universe, including Doctor Strange not only that he is also the source of power of none other than The Unstoppable Juggernaut.

6) Phoenix Force

Pheonix force marvel, Most powerful marvel
Pheonix Force
Born of the void between states of being, the Pheonix Force is a child of the Universe. In the dying moments of the previous universe, the Force saved all existence from eternal damnation, enabling Eternity to preserve the humanoid Galan, ensuring his re-creation as Galactus. The force was subsequently reborn from the cosmic fires of the "Big Bang". It can absorb energy, including the life-force of a being or the energy of a sun. 

5) Franklin Richards

Franklin richards marvel, Most powerful marvel
Franklin Richards
He is a rare omega-level mutants, Franklin Richards, the son of Reed Richards(Mr. Fantastic) and Sue Storm(Invisible Woman). His powers include telepathy, psychic bursts, project explosive energy blasts, matter manipulation and other cosmic level powers like Reality manipulation.

4) Eternity
Eternity marvel, Most powerful marvel

Eternity came into existence when the Universe was formed(along with Death, Oblivion and Infinity) and spontaneously assumed the collective conciousness of all living things in the Universe. He is every living thing and every living thing is him; thus he controls everything in all plains of existence with the exceptions of the Living Tribunal, he can manipulate space, time, and reality.

3) Living Tribunal

Living Tribunal marvel, Most powerful marvel
Living Tribunal

The Living Tribunal is so powerful that even Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet dares not to engage him in combat. His powers are absolutely limitless. He can even erase entire realities from existence.

2) Beyonder

Beyonder marvel, Most powerful marvel

Beyonder is in fact, a young member  of an ancient otherworldly race known as the Beyonders. He is a near omnipotent and vastly powerful entity. . He is so strong that all the Marvel abstracts, celestials, supreme cosmic beings, and The Living Tribunal are at his mercy. The Living Tribunal has died fighting Beyonder before.

1) One-Above-All

One above all marvel, Most powerful marvel
One Above All

His name says it all. He is the most powerful character in the Marvel multiverse. He is believed to represent the creators of Marvel and has taken the form of Jack Kirby. The One-Above-All is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.

My favorite characters among them are "GALACTUS" and "PHEONIX FORCE".Well that's just our opinion. Comment your favorite character below.


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