Strange Academy #1 | Doctor Strange creates a School for Mystic Youngsters

A Sorcerer School for The Marvel Universe!

doctor strange marvel

Yes, it's true. In the 1st issue of Strange Academy, Doctor Strange created a school for Youngsters with magical powers.

The Concept of this comic is basically the X-Men, "Take a bunch of outcast kids with powers, put them in a school and have them taught with already established heroes".  Except in this case they swapped the mutants out with characters that deal with the mystic arts. So, it's quiet literally Doctor Strange's version of Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. 

doctor strange marvel

Summary for Strange Academy #1    (Spoilers Ahead)

The issue starts off with a couple realizing that their child have magical powers. Her name is Emily Bright and as she grows up, she continues to discover more of her abilities. When she is older she even writes a letter to Doctor Strange saying that she doesn't know whats wrong with her, is she is Sorceress, witch, mage or anything else. "What is she". She also says that her parents are afraid that if people knew what she could do, they would take her away. So, no one else is allowed to know about her abilities.

doctor strange marvel

But One day when she was walking her Dog, the dog is hit by a car. Going up to her dying dog and holding her, she inadvertently used some sort of magic that healed her dog, needless to say Emily was shocked but also stoked about her new found power, so she started to see what else she could do with it and one day while she was lying in the park with her Dog, she started trying to create life saying to herself over and over "Focus your mind and become one with all things". Eventually she was able to create flowers but she also brought a tree to life (I know trees are already alive, but here i mean to say that the tree started moving and using its branches to attack). The tree almost killed her and her Dog. The tree was also saying, "Foolish child you will pay for what you have taken", but out of nowhere she is saved by a Woman named Zelma Stanton aka Dr. Strange's Librarian. After saving Emily, she convinces Emily's parents to let her attend a special magic school that she is teaching at, saying "today was no Fluke, that thing was drawn to Emily it'll happen again and again and again until there is nothing left to come after or she could attend our school and we'll help her realize all that she's capable of".

doctor strange marvel

So, a few weeks later Zelma picks up Emily at her house and takes her to the school through a magical door and being a magical school, it's hidden in plain sight but once Emily touches the shield at the center of the front gate, it reveals the entire campus aka Strange Academy. Once inside the gate Emily starts meeting her fellow classmates like Shaylee Moonpeddle she seems to be a happy character, She is half Fairy and half Human. We later find out that she grew up without her father as the Fairy Kingdom wasn't too fond of her mother being in a relationship with a human. After this we are introduced to two Asgardian brothers Iric and Alvi, besides these brothers there is also a female Frost Giant student. The God of Mischief also makes a Guest appearance. The issue keeps introducing us to a lot of characters such a The Son Of Dormammu, that's right Dormammu has a son and his name is Doyle. But the Asgardian brothers Iric and Alvi aren't too happy that Dormammu's son is attending the school. So they started attacking him, but the fight is quickly stopped by Doctor Voodoo, who seems to be the Headmaster of the School.

doctor strange marvel

Later we are introduced to the final three major characters of this issue and they are Zoe Laveau, Calvin Morse and Dessy. We find out that Dessy is a demon from Limbo (A Dimension of Demons). Calvin Morse is an orphan who possesses a magical Jacket. But the issue doesn't tells us much about Zoe and her powers. But Dessy knows who she is and she promises Zoe that she wont tell anyone( Which means that maybe Zoe is gonna be a crusial part of the series). 

doctor strange marvel

Teachers at the School are Zelma( The keeper of magical items), The Ancient One ( Under whom most Marvel Sorcerers have studied) and the Mindful One. Guest teachers include Hellstrom, Nico Minoru, Scarlet Witch, Magik and Shaman. But Doyle asks, "What about Dr. Strange? You are telling me that you are starting a magic School and the Sorcerer Supreme isn't gonna be teaching us anything". But moments later Dr. Strange comes through a portal fighting a Monster. Dr. Strange then yells out, "Who wants to have a little fun on their first day of school" and of course all the kids raise their hand and he says,"Good Lets go then". After the monster is defeated by the kids Strange says,"Ok, where were we. Yes, right I am always here to encourage and inspire those are practically my middle names so here goes nothing. I know some of you are freaking out that how awesome and scary this is an some of you are probably thinking that you don't need to be here because you are badass already either way soak it all in have fun and most of all try not to die". Then the comic ends with the terrified look on all the students faces.

doctor strange marvel

Strange Academy #2 will release on July 08, 2020.


  1. They should name it as Doctor Strange's school for Mystic ones.


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